Epoch 245028
Epoch 245028

epoch 245028 epoch 245028

The white vanity that was in there before I was able to get a new top for. The wall color we used was called “Hestia.” We used a LVT flooring with the name “Burnished Oak Steel” to go with the grey scale of the room. Next step was to paint the walls, install the floor, and finally get rid of that ugly blue toilet.

epoch 245028

That light hanging down is going to eventually be the vanity light to go above the old shower space/new vanity. We began hanging drywall on our new ceiling and walls skipping where the vanity used to be for now (Remember I have big plans for the shower). We studded out the ceiling and mounted our ceiling fan while we were at it so it was easier to do rather than when the drywall was already hung. Our plan for the ceiling was to keep it lowered but use drywall instead of the drop ceiling that was there. Soon we were down to studs and insulation. The only thing we left was the toilet since this was our only upstairs bathroom so if we kept it for now. The tub, the vanity, the walls, even the plumbing was ripped out. I have had visions of having a giant walk-in shower in my head since before we bought this place so that was my plan. The shower is located on your right as soon as you walk in the door with the toilet ahead of you and a rather large vanity space to your left.

epoch 245028

It also had a white mirror which you will see later as I managed to save it and re-paint it. Lime green walls with a blue tub, blue toilet, and a blue swirl sink on a white vanity. I only have a picture from one side of the room but the other side was just as bad. My house has 2 full baths so this room was put on the back burner as the other was usable. We moved in about 2 months after buying and it was not complete yet but the drywall and paint was done in most rooms. We bought this house as a foreclosure so it needed quite a bit of work. Today I am going to write about a project that was done in my OWN house.

Epoch 245028